Le Dirigeable fantastique (Georges Méliès Star Film, 1906)

Técnicas de lo fantástico

Joshua Yumibe, Trad. Georgina Torello


Mediante un estudio profundo de fuentes primarias y secundarias, el artículo describe minuciosamente las cuatro técnicas de coloreado más comunes utilizadas durante el periodo silente: coloreado a mano, esténcil, entintado y virado. El artículo da cuenta de la rica historia técnica y cultural que relaciona los primeros colores del cine con la modernidad industrial (nuevas tecnologías industriales, comercio de colorantes, innovaciones químicas), cultural (tradiciones de diseño artístico y popular, pintura, cultura de la impresión) y espectacular (linterna mágica y escena teatral del fin-de-siècle).

Palabras clave: coloreado a mano, esténcil, entintado, virado, efectos especiales.


Techniques of the Fantastic

Abstract: Through an in-depth study of primary and secondary sources, the article thoroughly describes the four most commonly used coloring techniques of the silent period: hand coloring, stencilling, tinting, and toning. The article gives an account of the rich technical and cultural history that relates these techniques to industrial modernity (new technologies, trade of dyes, chemical innovations), cultural modernity (traditions of artistic and popular design, painting, culture of printing), and spectacular modernity (magic lantern and fin-de-siècle theatrical scene).

Keywords: hand coloring, stencilling, tinting, toning, special effects



Técnicas do Fantástico

Através de um estudo aprofundado de fontes primárias e secundárias, o artigo descreve minuciosamente as quatro técnicas de coloração mais comuns utilizadas durante o período silencioso: colorido à mão, estêncil, tingimento, viragem. O artigo dá conta da rica história técnica e cultural que relaciona as primeiras cores do cinema com a modernidade industrial (novas tecnologias industriais, comércio de corantes, inovações químicas), culturais (tradições de design artístico e popular, pintura, cultura de impressão ) e espetacular (lanterna mágica e cena teatral do fin-de-siècle).  

colorido à mão, estêncil, tingimento, viragem, efeitos especiais


Fecha de recepción: 3 de noviembre de 2018
Fecha de aceptación: 5 de diciembre de 2018

Texto completo:



ABEL, Richard. The Ciné Goes to Town: French Cinema, 1896–1914, edición actualizada y expandida. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.

ELLIS, Don Carlos y Laura Thornborough. Motion Pictures in Education. New York: Crowell, 1923.

HARRIS, Neil. “Color and Media: Some Comparisons and Speculations”. En: Cultural Excursions: Marketing Appetites and Cultural Tastes in Modern America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, pp. 318–336.

LESLIE, Esther. Synthetic Worlds: Nature, Art and the Chemical Industry. London: Reaktion Books, 2005.

MCKERNAN, Luke. Charles Urban: Pioneering the Non-Fiction Film in Britain and America, 1897–1925. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2013.

MUSSER, Charles (ed.). Motion Picture Catalogs by American Producers and Distributors, 1894–1908: A Microfilm Edition. Frederick, Md.: University Publications of America, 1984–1985.

RAMSAYE, Terry. A Million and One Nights: A History of the Motion Picture through 1925. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1926.

RUOT, Marcel y L. Didiée. “The Pathé Kinematograph Colour Process”, The Photographic Journal, vol.65, n. 3, marzo de 1925.

YUMIBE, Joshua. “Stencilling Technologies and the Hybridized Image in Early Cinema”. En: FOSSATI, Giovanna, Annie van den Oever y Viola ten Hoorn (eds.). Film and Media Technologies: The Film Archive as a Research Laboratory. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014.

_____. Moving Color: Early Film, Mass Culture, Modernism. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2012, pp. 41–49.

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Vivomatografías. Revista de estudios sobre precine y cine silente en Latinoamérica es una publicación de la Asociación de Estudios sobre Precine y Cine Silente Latinoamericano (PRECILA)

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